I have been photographing this little guy since he was a newborn. I love watching him learn new tricks.. getting teeth,…
Read MoreWhew.. I FINALLY have internet at my new home. What an exciting day it is! I have been holding onto so many blogs from…
Read MoreOH I am so excited for spring and summer sessions!!! Come on warm weather
Read MoreDear Stella, I love your sweet smile, your kind eyes.. the way you rest your head on my shoulder any time you are…
Read MoreI love the quiet feeling of winter months. The way shape of the leafless branches the way it feels like.. waiting..…
Read MoreHere is just a few of my favorites from the “Little loves” mini sessions I had earlier this month… I had such a…
Read MoreEveryday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.
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