I have been so happy to have lots of sweet newborns to photograph in my studio lately! Here are a few of my…
Read MoreI love that anticipation of waiting for your first baby. I remember the days I spent pouring over pregnancy books…
Read MoreI LOVE meeting new clients who instantly feel like old friends! SO many more from adorable Jack’s one year old cake…
Read MoreI LOVE making things. Simple sewing projects have been a long time favorite of mine since learning to sew a few years…
Read MoreJust a quick little peek at some of my new studio work. Little Owen had so much fun in the tub. He is a water baby for…
Read MoreIf you have a chance come check out my work at Fizz soda pop and candy shop during the month of May! Special event…
Read MoreEveryday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.
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