
Owen: Vancouver Washington birth and baby photographer

Meet Owen Matthew. Born March 3rd weighing in at 5lbs and 13ounces! I have had the pleasure of knowing Owen’s parents for the last ten years or so and have enjoyed watching them become one of my favorite families! Owen’s poor mama had to really deal with a lot during her pregnancies and fought hard for her two beautiful boys. We had hoped to have me be there for baby’s birth but it wasn’t able to… I did arrive shortly after and was able to peek at the sweet pea during his visit to NICU.

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I am so happy to say that Owen is now home doing very well.. growing and eating, doing all of the baby things Winking smile I was able to visit him last week for some newborn baby photos at home here are a couple to preview his adorableness!





Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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