
Dream big: Vancouver washington child photography


This morning I woke up and had this feeling.. like being filled with this joy from within.

The spring weather, sunshine glowing through the window.. feeling extra thankful for my family, friends and my clients for being so loving and supportive of my photography.

Opening myself up to say that I feel truly honored. My work, my business, my life has grown over the years.

To live in a way where making art is also making a living is something I have dreamed of since I was a little girl.

While being a small business owner is a lot more of a challenge than I knew going into it I know that I am doing what I love with my whole heart.

I love to be invited into my clients lives. I love being trusted to preserve those moments. I love to see that glimpse of who you are inside and I hope my images will make my clients feel the joy I have in capturing them for you.

Happy friday.. get out and enjoy the sunshine!

P.S I am booking up more and more through the fall.. if your thinking about photos email me asap so I can work you into my calendar!




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Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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