
newborn photographers vancouver, Wa: sweet baby zoie’s studio session


This sweet little miss slept like a dream for me. I loved meeting her and her wonderful parents. I feel so truly blessed to share in these moments with my clients so soon after welcoming a new member in to the family. Thank you so much to my clients for trusting me with your most precious little ones. To photograph them and document those teeny noses and itty bitty fingers and toes for you to treasure as your babies grow is an honor.


P.S This spring and summer is unfolding to be filled with new life being born and couples getting married, families at the beach and all kinds of fun sessions I am planning.

I am booking well into the summer and fall 2013 now so if possible email me around 20 weeks of your pregnancy to get on the calendar.


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Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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