
lifestyle baby & child photographers,vancouver wa: the twins are two!

I have had such a great time watching these two grow! Each time I photograph them I am brought back to when my own twins were that age. Two year old twins are full of energy, curiosity, and they LOVE to run and play! We have been enjoying the most gorgeous fall ever this year in the pacific northwest (look at them in sundresses in late September!!!) I have been loving taking my clients outside to soak up the sunshine and gorgeous colors that are showing up in all of the trees.

I have been a busy busy girl this fall and I am wrapping up some sessions this week before taking a few days off to go on a little trip to California with my family so I can get some extra fun time in with my girls who every day seem to be growing up faster and faster the busier the days get.

My fall is just about booked up but I do have some weekday mornings open for babies and kids.. or families if your schedules flexible. As the weather gets wet this winter I have a awesome little studio downtown Ridgefield that’s a lot of fun for newborns and younger kids as well. I would love to hear from you email me at:


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Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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