A little glimpse of my last week. So many sweet faces.
Two beautiful newborn baby girls came to my studio. I love hearing birth stories and meeting these precious new babies during the first weeks after they are born.
I also had a few milestone baby sessions…. Watching babies grow and change during the first year is such an honor. I love seeing those little personalities emerge from being teeny curled up newborns to giggling playful babies.
I had a really fun maternity session. We first met up for some pretty outdoor photos with the family and of this gorgeous mama to be and then headed over to the gym. I loved photographing this incredibly strong thirty five week pregnant mama in a totally different setting than usual. Her husband surprised her for her birthday with maternity and newborn photos and wanted me to capture his wife’s incredible determination and strength.
More previews to come over the next few days too.
Hope you are having a wonderful week. In addition to my sessions this week I am preparing for my own twin babies to be turning SEVEN! I can’t believe it. People have said it my entire life but until I was a mother I had no idea how fast childhood goes by.
I am so grateful for my clients for trusting me to preserve images of your growing families.
My summer is booking up fast! However I do have some more space for summer sessions. Email me sarah@sarahcostaphotography.com to get on my schedule.