Do you prefer black and white or color images? I honestly could never choose. I love them both for so many different reasons. I love to see true color. The peachy baby skin the color of someone’s eyes pink noses and rosy cheeks when its cold outside. What I love about black and white is that I feel like there are no distractions and you can really see the subject. I love how black and white images look together in a grouping on the wall. I love that it can completely change the mood of a photograph when you take it from color to black and white. I love shadows and light in black and white images but in color I see the subtle difference in the colors of the leaves on the trees.
My sessions always always include both versions for that very reason. I can’t choose so I don’t make my clients. I love them both in different ways for different images. I mix and match maybe a wall grouping of black and white but all color images in cards to send to family or in a baby book.
I have been an editing machine the last couple of days and I am so excited to see one of my “belly to birthday” clients tomorrow I can’t wait to see how much she has grown. I also just ordered two huge shipments of wildflower seeds.. after spreading several little packets throughout the field I decided I needed to get serious about this and just order it in bulk. I am absolutely giddy thinking about this summers sessions