
Vancouver washington photographers: LEtters to our daughters Stella Edition

Dear Stella,

I love your sweet smile, your kind eyes.. the way you rest your head on my shoulder any time you are near me. I love holding your hand on the way to the bus.

Whenever you are home sick from school I love having a “Harathon” and watching every Harry Potter movie with you on the couch and cuddling. It’s so much fun crafting and creating things with you and sharing the same love of sci-fi and fantasy books and movies. I have never met a kid who could sit and watch Myth Busters on Netflix with such enthusiasm. I hope you never lose that sense of curiosity about science.

I am so proud of your mad skills at creative writing, violin and your wild imagination.. most of all I am proud of your loving spirit.

As you grow from my little tiny bee into a “tweenage” bee I am so happy that you still have your since of humor as random and silly as your mamas.

Thank you so much for being a ray of sunshine in the world. For being a wonderful sister, great friend and loving daughter.. always kind to all living things.



* please continue around our blog sister to see more awesome photographers letters to their daughters

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Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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