
vancouver wa, photographer: anniversary getaway

As I sit here thinking of what to write about my weekend get away to Disneyland my pug Otto lays beside me snoring loudly, the older girls off to school, twins playing together quietly for the moment, and my little dog poppy curled up quietly on my lap. Life feels calm today. Emails caught up, phone calls to clients made..

I open up my files from the photos I took over the past three days… the amount of iphone photos outnumbers the “real camera” images by about 5 times. I had originally intended to bring the camera and enjoy some fun time shooting for me. After we arrived at the park ready to run I realized the last thing I wanted to do was lug my heavy camera around.. plus it cramps my style when trying to go on rides.. oh and the crowd.. there were a LOT of people there this weekend.. photos of huge swarms of people didn’t really sound too fun anyway. So off the camera went to a locker safe and sound only to make an appearance for about a hour total of the trip for a couple snaps.

Rob made the decision to book our trip partially because we haven’t had the chance to ever take a trip together without the kids since our honeymoon and also because we have both been so incredibly busy lately we haven’t even had time for a real conversation in months… sadly I am not exaggerating.

We had a great time. Ate some ridiculously delicious meals, despite the crowd we played like kids and most importantly got to spend some uninterrupted time with each other to celebrate our wedding anniversary!

Here’s a few shots from the trip.. lots from my phone but still fun memories

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Everyday moments I want to remember.
My Loves, my life, things that make me smile.

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